Friday, January 13, 2006

SCAM, has anyone ever really fallen for this?

kenobu20002000: hi zuza
kenobu20002000: u there/?
Artemis : I am working
kenobu20002000: don;t mean to disturd u (Turd is a funny word)
kenobu20002000: gat a nice profile(GAT, BANG BANG, don’t folks pop a cap in your ass with a GAT?)
: u are cute
Artemis : ty
kenobu20002000: do u mine if i chat u a little my magesty?
Artemis : I am not single
kenobu20002000: do u mind?
kenobu20002000: pls chat me?
Artemis : I am 36 and not single, what do you want to talk about?
kenobu20002000: age is just a number to me
Artemis : not to me, there is a world of difference, even between 33 and 36
kenobu20002000: i understand
kenobu20002000: want me stop typing?
Artemis : I just don’t see what we could chat about
kenobu20002000: that is becouse u don't know what say to me (Ture dat. I don't speak stupid very well, but I am learning)
: i'm kenneth
kenobu20002000: gat a name? (BANG BANG)
: Artemis
kenobu20002000: wow nice name u've gat (BANG BANG)
kenobu20002000: pleasure to meet u
Artemis : ok
kenobu20002000: u well come
kenobu20002000: so tell what do u do?
kenobu20002000: i'm a business man ( Do all businessmen type this bad?)
: transportation and logistics
kenobu20002000: wow
kenobu20002000: well i'm into buying and selling of goods
kenobu20002000: 've u been to south africa b4?
Artemis : no
kenobu20002000: non of africa u've been to?
Artemis : none
kenobu20002000: would u like to come to africa?
Artemis : not really
kenobu20002000: guess u might wanna 1 day (I said no, WTF)
: no, I am more of a northern European type
kenobu20002000: u from u.s?
kenobu20002000: right?
Artemis : yes
kenobu20002000: oh that reminds me atemis
Artemis : of what?
kenneth ndobu: pls i know i'm just meetting u 4 the fist but i think i should tell u this (on the edge of my seat)
: what is that
kenneth ndobu: well formerly i work with(Assurance Bank Limited here in Nigeria.)b4 i some 1 else took my post
Artemis : ok and what does that mean to me?
kenneth ndobu: there is this man Mr. Anthony Zimmer, from delta state, who used to work with Shell Oil Development Company in Nigeria.
Artemis : so, why do you have to tell me that?
kenneth ndobu: are u listening?
Artemis : I have never heard of Assurance Bank Limited in Nigeria
Artemis : big deal
Artemis : Anthony Zimmer<-- don’t now him
kenneth ndobu: sure u don't know him
kenneth ndobu: i'm just trying to tell u some thing
Artemis : why must you tell me this, why is this so important?
kenneth ndobu: if only u would listening
Artemis : you have said nothing, there is nothing to read
kenneth ndobu: ok maby i should just send u the whole details
Artemis : see this IS the difference between 28 and 36
kenneth ndobu: can u give me ur mail address so i can send it over
kenneth ndobu: don't conclud yet
kenneth ndobu: u there?
kenneth ndobu: give me ur mail address?
Artemis :@&#TDGH*&
kenneth ndobu: k
kenneth ndobu: have u seen it?
kenneth ndobu: i want u to go through it properly
kenneth ndobu: mean read it carefuly
Artemis : no I don’t have it
kenneth ndobu: i'm correct with the speling (which would be an enormous improvement from the rest of this chat, but very unlikely)
kenneth ndobu
: think it's come
kenneth ndobu: i've send it
kenneth ndobu: or do i past it here so u can see it?
Artemis : I have not gotten it
kenneth ndobu: ok
kenneth ndobu: do i copy it in here and paste it to u?
Artemis : yes
kenneth ndobu: k
Here is where the SCAM begins
kenneth ndobu
: unserviceable by Assurance Bank Limited,the bank where this huge deposit were lodged. Particularly, Assurance Bank Limited where the deceased had an account valued at about US$3Million has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated within the 6 weeks. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 1 years now, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased and to claim the account valued at US$3Million which can be paid to you and then you and I can share the money. 60% me, 35% you and 5%or any expenses we might run into during this transaction. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protec
kenneth ndobu: gat it? (BANG BANG again)
kenneth ndobu: ever since i've been looking 4 a trusted person over there in u.s that i could make this transaction with (ME?)
kenneth ndobu: the money is $3m
kenneth ndobu: all document is intact all i need is just an acount number to wire the money too
kenneth ndobu: and i hope if u are in,the persentage will be ok with u?
Artemis : wow I have seen this like 5 times, you are the 5th person to give me that same information, amazing
kenneth ndobu: well gtg now

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