Thursday, April 10, 2008


bbw4me20052005: hi there
bbw4me20052005: i'm in wilmington
Artemis: hello
bbw4me20052005: hi there
bbw4me20052005: u like the beach?
Artemis: no not so much
bbw4me20052005: like getting laid?
bbw4me20052005: being eaten?
Artemis: uh, good luck with that and have a nice day, bu-bye
bbw4me20052005: bye
bbw4me20052005: thats what it said


oohheahh: hi
Artemis: hello
oohheahh: hi how are you
Artemis: ok
oohheahh: miss you so much
oohheahh: can i see you plz
Artemis: who are you?
oohheahh: ?
Artemis: i dont know who you are
oohheahh: i am from canada
Artemis: so
Artemis: i am not
oohheahh: ?
oohheahh: i know
oohheahh: sorry that my web cam not with me this time
: why in the hell are you buzzing me, i dont give a damn who you are, i do not know you and i dont want to see you on a cam
oohheahh: ok
oohheahh: sorry
oohheahh: i am the big man tall man
oohheahh: white man
oohheahh: like to meet you
Artemis: no, i dont like big men, i dont like tall men and i dont like white men
Artemis: and i dont want to meet you
oohheahh: you so sweet
Artemis: that is why i married a small short Japanese man
oohheahh: do you like 9 inche cock
Artemis: and you are stupid, i really hate stupid and you are stupid
Artemis: my hubby has a 12 inch cock
Artemis: beats you by a mile
Artemis: You could not be more inferior to him
oohheahh: nice tattoo you have at your tits
Artemis: yeah good luck with that and have a nice day, bu-bye