Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Slack but friendly!

I know I have been slack, but I have had many things on my plate and have unfortunately blown off many Assbag opportunities. I submit the following for you amusement, not Assbaggery but true friendship.

Artemis: I didn't do a homeless guy last night, did I?
Friend: not that I was aware of, why?
Artemis: my face hurts really bad and there is grass all over the kitchen floor...............?
Friend: well, the face is explained because you laid your weight on it on the kitchen counter. The grass I assume we tracked in
Friend: only thing I put on the floor was a piece of ice that Foster played with
Friend: the goat may have brought in the grass come to think of it
Artemis: lol
Artemis : my face hurts REAL bad
Artemis: I left work at 1pm today to come home and sleep this mess off
Friend: yeah, well, next time listen to me when I try to get you to bed or at least a couch:-)
Artemis: I don't remember leaving Bob's
Friend: you were like "I need to go now'.... yelled at me when I said we were going to my place rather than garner
Friend: you calmed down when I said I would get the stuff I needed to go to garner
Artemis: oh god....
Friend: apparently you puked in your hair and in your passenger window while I was upstairs, leading me to get cleaning stuff and saying "poor Artemis"
Artemis: I apologize.
Artemis: LOL
Friend: No need to apologize. You were the one with puke in your hair :-)
Artemis: and my shirt
Friend: and in your door via window gap
Artemis: found that at work this morning
Artemis: yeah the window had nice streak on it
Friend: and the inside didn't seem to clean too easily, going to take some elbow grease :-)
Friend: and the goat, who knows where that poor fellow is now
Artemis: yeah right, who knows

1 comment:

B said...

Funny (and a little disturbing) on many levels. Good work! Now about the goat...