Sunday, June 10, 2007

mad4jewels2/mad4a2 Please, you gotta read this.

Michael D.

If you are a "nigger", "wigger" or mexican you might get pissed. I can not believe these folks are really out there/here...

mad4jewels2: hi are you busy at the moment?
mad4jewels2: well i guess thats a yes sorry if i interrupted
mad4jewels2: have a great day

me: i had a busy tag up...

mad4jewels2: i think i need a translator because alot of the stuff you talk about i havent a fucking clue what it means and im no dummy either.......or are you an alien?
me: no
mad4jewels2: yes
me: ok
mad4jewels2: when?
me: no am not an alien
mad4jewels2: certianly not right now
mad4jewels2: well what in the world are you talking about then?
me: in what respect? what has confused you
mad4jewels2: well in your profile it says you're looking for a city of heros player
mad4jewels2: and you replied with something about tag
me: yes, when you sent that last message i had put an away tag on my messenger
mad4jewels2: didnt see that
mad4jewels2: is a city of heros player a guy from the ghetto who trys to stop out crack or what? (Crack is not only in ghettos... is it?)
mad4jewels2: :))
me: uh...
me: no
mad4jewels2: im kiddin i see what it is now
me: oh ok
mad4jewels2: i clicked the link
mad4jewels2: now ill die
mad4jewels2: so you always talk this much?
me: thought you were dead....
me: my bad
mad4jewels2: lol
mad4jewels2: good one
mad4jewels2: so tell me something could ya?
mad4jewels2: is that a no or what??
me: you can ask
mad4jewels2: but will you tell ?
me: that would be up to me
mad4jewels2: you dont seem very recptive
mad4jewels2: receptive
mad4jewels2: are you busy?
me: no not so much, just playing some online poker to get my fix
mad4jewels2: where do you play?
me: full tilt, the accounts are not frozen there
mad4jewels2: froze?
me: fed gov't froze some of the online gaming accounts, full tilt does not bank in US so your're ok
mad4jewels2: you want to play at a site that wont ever have that happen to
mad4jewels2: you a texas hold em player?
me: i am playing on a site that is safe
mad4jewels2: do u play holdem?
me: yes
me: our monthly tourney was last night but i was not able to go
me: so now i am jones'n
mad4jewels2: lol
mad4jewels2: have you ever heard of bet zip?
me: no
mad4jewels2: well tell em i sent ya
mad4jewels2: im a founder
mad4jewels2: you pay 15 bux a month and play in rm tourneys worth 100,000 per month
mad4jewels2: the 10 k is next weekend
mad4jewels2: im flopinmad btw
me: ah
me: ok
mad4jewels2: thats my screen name
mad4jewels2: if ya like to gamble this is a safe way to do it and not go into debt
me: ok
mad4jewels2: so tell me about you please
mad4jewels2: you're super sexy
mad4jewels2: you seem smart too
mad4jewels2: so whats hidden?
me: nothing is hidden
me: live in NC, go out a lot, drink a lot
mad4jewels2: you dont have any boogie men?
mad4jewels2: you have to drink ifyou live here hun
me: no
me: its a choice
mad4jewels2: bullshit
mad4jewels2: this place is dead as far as culture goes
me: then move
me: i liek it here
me: a lot
mad4jewels2: you a carolina then huh?
mad4jewels2: carolinian
mad4jewels2: lived here all your life?
me: all my life
mad4jewels2: figures
me: been in 38 states and 4 countries other than Mx and Can
me: stayed here
mad4jewels2: thats why you think this place is jumpin cus you ahve never been anywhere
mad4jewels2: well staying in a motel isnt seeing the city
me: no buying an all day train ticket for 9 days and going out every day all day is
mad4jewels2: train
me: how the hell travels and just stays in a hotel
me: and i have family and friends everywhere
me: lil in NY and San Fran
mad4jewels2: wow really?
me: and Japan and China
mad4jewels2: are you part black or what?
me: are you racist
mad4jewels2: im a seperatist
me: yeah and i am sure NC does not want you any more than you want us
me: have a nice day
me: goodl uck with that
mad4jewels2: with what?
mad4jewels2: ya goof
mad4jewels2: i see why you like it here
mad4jewels2: inbreeding is a hot topic for ya
mad4jewels2: fucking cunt
me: humm, lets see all your goofs.... recptive (wrong), kiddin (wrong), heros (wrong), certianly (wrong), ifyou (wrong), ahve (wrong), and if you are a seperatist, learn to spell it, it's separatist


mad4a2: hi r u busy?
mad4a2: ohg shit
mad4a2: my bad i didnt see it was the wigger
me: uh yeah, again you did it
me: and you think i am inbread (Tyring to play along, but he did not get it =)
me: lol
mad4a2: inbred dingy
mad4a2: why did you drop out of hs?
mad4a2: drugs?
me: i'd rather be stupid than you
me: and no just blond
me: and i like that too
mad4a2: well id rather be me than you
mad4a2: atleast i can fuck myself (And this is a plus? Oh wait this is all he may be able to get)
: you need another leg to get pleased (Obviously he does not know much about women or he would know that we don't always use dilos or things that have to be inserted)
: looks like that is all you may be getting too
mad4a2: and oh how sweet it is
me: yes i am not gay or bi
me: that is true
mad4a2: see where you're lost is this

me: i like my husband just fine
mad4a2: im at home being alone because i love myself (That sounds so funny, and I am not buying it)
me: good for you
me: that is great
mad4a2: and if u loved your husband your ass would be out getting fucked by some barfly
me: why would i fuck someone else if i loved my husband
me: that makes no sense
mad4a2: or is he into seeing you get ppunded?
mad4a2: because thats what barflys like to do
me: ppppppounded? stutter?
mad4a2: how much crack do you smoke a week?
me: or lisp
me: dont need drugs (OK in HS I smoked weed)
mad4a2: what about a 1/16
me: just stooopid
me: like i like it
mad4a2: oh right thats comming from the woman who drinks alot
me: yup
mad4a2: goof whats alcohol?
me: i own a bar why not
me: drink all the profits
mad4a2: you probably need to own one for the amount of liquor you consume
me: it does help
me: for taxes and all
me: i keep us in the red
mad4a2: why pay taxes be like a nigger or a mexican and just play dumb
me: if you live you gotta pay
mad4a2: hell they dont
me: i do, i pay every year
mad4a2: this fucking bush wants us to save gas hell all he has to so is deport the 11 million or so in this country illegally and we will save all kinds of fucking gas
me: i dont know why he does what he does
mad4a2: because he dosent give a fuck about this place
mad4a2: his whole family is in the oil buss
mad4a2: he dosent want to see the price go down
mad4a2: it is all a fucking show
me: i ride a bike everywhere i go
(this is not true, I am far to lazy, but I do have a bike if that counts for anything)
: no gas
mad4a2: for real?
me: perrty much as long as it's under 10 miles
mad4a2: dont you know thats against the law woman?
me: i am lazy as well as stupid
me: i have never gotten a ticket for it, i guess living a podunk piss ass state has it's good points
mad4a2: well do ya?
mad4a2: podunk?
mad4a2: yes thats called peddlin pussy
mad4a2: :))
mad4a2: you're so blonde you fell right into that
me: yeah i love your charm, its so HOT
mad4a2: im not here to charm your married self
mad4a2: i dont di=srespect the vowed
mad4a2: but i dont mind talking every now and then
mad4a2: see thats where your state standards fall short
mad4a2: most of these people think fucking is a-ok as long as your legal
mad4a2: well itwas fun but not too fun
mad4a2: later ya dipshit
me: if you dont di=srespect the vowed then why did hit on me?
mad4a2: i never hit on you
mad4a2: and i didnt know you were even married to be honest or i wouldnt have talked to ya to be real
me: ooh, ok then why did you bother chatting me?
mad4a2: i dont believe in wasting time at all
me: ooh so you are not a reader?
mad4a2: because i thought you were single ass
me: yeah, its on my profile, i am married
mad4a2: well if it does say married in your 360 i missed it sorry
me: first line i think
mad4a2: well you need to keep him well taken care of cus no one else will put up with your shitty attitude (My attitude? is he fo'real?, YES HE IS!)
mad4a2: and your wandering ways
mad4a2: now beat it bitch ya bore me
me: you are so my new BBF!!!
me: i am going to blog about this! it was so much fun!
mad4a2: yipppieeeeeeeeeeee!!! i made another set of headlines (Still chatting)
mad4a2: =D> (Still chatting)
mad4a2: i need to notify all my followers so the cant print it off for the scrap books (Still chatting)
mad4a2: toodle eeewwww (Still chatting)
mad4a2: oh and if ya do go to betzip dont use my name i dont want them to know you know me
might make me look bad (Still chatting)
mad4a2: :))
(Still chatting)