Monday, April 24, 2006

Full of charm

You just know this guy can't figure out why he is not getting any boinkin'.

qqqdom: check me out
Artemis: ?
Artemis: what do you mean?
qqqdom: my profile
Artemis: no, did you read mine first?
qqqdom: yea
qqqdom: u r sexy
Artemis: and in a ltr (Long Term Relationship)
qqqdom: so am i
Artemis: oh ok
qqqdom: so we r still free
Artemis: free for what?
qqqdom: dating
Artemis: do you know what a long term relationship is?
qqqdom: yea he fucks u without marrying u
qqqdom: wake up
Artemis: um, then why did he drop a bunch on a 3 carat diamond ring last month and booked the Hudson Manor for a wedding?
qqqdom: when he marrys u then he means business
qqqdom: until then u r a hoe
Artemis: better than being fat and stupid
Artemis: have a nice day
qqqdom: ok fat slut

Monday, April 17, 2006

A one-liner

gulfview95: How can you say you don't want to see my penis?

There was no reply from me...

Friday, April 14, 2006

If you don’t pay my bills, I really don’t care

Cary Wilkes: people lie
Artemis: ?
Cary Wilkes: absolutely not happening
Artemis: ok
Cary Wilkes: the whole time I was married all I heard about was people hooking up on the internet
Artemis: and you cant seem to score?
Cary Wilkes: nope, nade, nope
Artemis: fill out your profile, that might help a lot
Cary Wilkes: nada
Artemis: not many will give folks the time of day with a blank profile
Cary Wilkes: ya there?
Cary Wilkes: yep, no luck at all
Artemis: oh well other than putting a picture and filling in the blanks, this appears how it will continue to be for you... so if you don’t like the way things are then you have one of two choices. Change, or shut up
Artemis: it’s all on you
Artemis: no one else’s fault
Cary Wilkes: that's a lot of work for a piece of ass
Cary Wilkes: gotta scan the photo, think of something nifty to say
Artemis: then stfu and deal with none
Artemis: or do the damn work
Artemis: I really don’t care
Cary Wilkes: why are you trying to act like you don't care?
Artemis: Cary Wilkes: why are you trying to act like you don't care? <-----DUH because I don’t care, like you said
Artemis: Name 1 reason why I should give a rat’s ass about your sex life?
Cary Wilkes: b/c you're jealous
Artemis: jealous that you can’t seem to get any?
Artemis: o
Artemis: k
Artemis: you got me
Cary Wilkes: no, that I am hard to get
Artemis: You’re throwing it out that there and that means you are hard to get?
Artemis: Are you tarded?
Artemis: do you wear a helmet
Cary Wilkes: no self respecting human being would pass me down, hence the problem is that there are very few self respecting human beings
Cary Wilkes: I am not the problem
Cary Wilkes: pass me up, I mean
Cary Wilkes: no one
Artemis: well good luck with that, have a nice day and all that crap
Cary Wilkes: ha ha! I just wanted to see how fired up I could get you, not a single bit of this is true..... man, you've got short fuses all over
Artemis: My fuse is not short, I just have no time for idiots, especially idiots I don’t know or care about, and I put up with very little crap. I am a crap free person and tend to stay that way. I cut to the meat of the conversation and get it done and over with. No short fuse, just real and true to myself.
Deal with or don’t, I still don’t care and never will.
Cary Wilkes: you do care, why are you lying to yourself?

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I used to like goats, but now, not so much

t goat: hey
Artemis: hello
t goat: hey sweet heart
t goat: u doin ok?
Artemis: between work and planning my wedding, my think bone hurts
t goat: ohh i see,my bone hurts too
Artemis: ?
t goat: the one guys think with,,
Artemis: oh, nice
t goat: id luv to show u,,how much
Artemis: what?
Artemis: are you talking about
t goat: lol,,,u no,,the bone guys think with
Artemis: I was being sarcastic with the “nice” remark
Artemis: did you read my profile?
t goat: no,,,,they usally dont mean shit
Artemis: wrong again
t goat: ladies luv to get as loose as guys,,i know that
Artemis: I just said I was planning a wedding, which implies that I am engaged…